June 10, 2024

by Nicole Montgomery and Kevin Synnott

3 min read

As advertisers, staying ahead means more than tracking trends—it demands a clear understanding of how the digital landscape evolves. In this piece, we explore recent shifts in key metrics across digital channels, offering insights for navigating this dynamic media terrain and uncovering valuable opportunities for marketers.

Comparisons to Previous Month (April 2024):

The table below reports the percentage changes in key metrics across digital channels when compared to the preceding month, April 2024. For each metric, positive percentages denote growth, while negative figures signify a decline. 


Month-Over-Month Takeaways:

  • Google Performance Max remains strong: Google Performance Max has experienced a slight uptick in CTR, indicating that the platform continues to be effective at generating user clicks. However, this effectiveness is accompanied by rising CPMs and CPCs, highlighting growing competition among advertisers vying for visibility. As the costs to reach audiences climb, it suggests that more advertisers are leveraging this platform's capabilities, intensifying the competitive landscape. The balance of increasing engagement and higher advertising expenses underscores Google Performance Max's evolving importance in digital marketing strategies.

  • Costs increase for Bing: CTRs on Bing have remained relatively consistent from the prior month, but there has been a significant rise in CPM and CPC. This indicates that Bing is becoming more expensive for advertisers, possibly due to increased competition on the platform. While the click-through rates have remained stable, the rise in cost-per-click suggests that advertisers are paying more to capture their target audiences. These trends may signal heightened competition for ad space on the platform. 

  • User engagement increases at YouTube and X: Across most platforms, there has been a noticeable decline in CTR from the previous month. However, YouTube and X stand out as exceptions. These two platforms have seen an increase in user engagement, with YouTube experiencing moderate growth in CTR and X witnessing substantial increases. Notably, while CPCs have slightly decreased for both platforms, CPMs show different trends. YouTube's CPM remains relatively stable, whereas X has experienced a significant rise. YouTube and X are platforms to watch for advertisers.

Comparisons to Previous Year (May 2023):

The table below reports the percentage changes in key metrics across digital channels when compared to the preceding year, May 2023. For each metric, positive percentages denote growth, while negative figures signify a decline. 


Year-Over-Year Takeaways:

  • TikTok's resilience persists: While many platforms saw a decline in CPMs from May 2023 to 2024, TikTok demonstrated a marginal increase in year-over-year CPMs during this period. Moreover, CPMs on the platform remained consistent from April to May 2024. Despite minor month-over-month declines in CTRs, year-over-year user engagement has remained steadfast. This trend implies ongoing support from both users and advertisers for TikTok, despite uncertainties surrounding its future.

  • Advertiser competition intensifies at YouTube and Bing: Across all platforms, CPMs have generally decreased from May 2023 to 2024, Bing and YouTube (alongside TikTok) being the exceptions. YouTube maintained relatively stable CPMs from April to May 2024, while Bing observed a comparatively larger month-over-month increase in CPMs. This indicates that while advertising demand has waned on other platforms, YouTube and Bing are witnessing a surge in demand for ad inventory year over year. 

  • Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube witness substantial spikes in user engagement: Demonstrating noteworthy year-over-year increases in CTRs, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest showcase consistent growth. Although we cannot definitely establish the cause of this CTR growth, these trends hint at the efficacy of recent platform enhancements such as Meta's algorithm optimization, the introduction of YouTube Shorts, and Pinterest's innovative interactive features and ad formats. These upticks in user engagement, amidst the uncertainties surrounding TikTok's future, position these platforms as compelling alternatives for advertisers seeking robust engagement.